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Spring Decorating Ideas From the Thrift Store

#Spring Decorating Ideas From the Thrift Store| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Spring Decorating Ideas From the Thrift Store

In: DECORATING, Decorating Tips & Tricks, Thrifting

Let me show you some Spring decorating ideas from thrift store finds. I will show you the pieces that I found and how I am using them to decorate for Spring.

Thrift stores are either hit or miss…all this year I have had lots of misses! But the other night I finally was elated with what I loaded up in my carriage. My husband even scored a great find!

My favorite local spot is Savers. It’s the thrift store where I have found so many of the decor items that I use all the time.

Thrift Store Shopping Finds

The first aisle I always cruise is the vases. When thrifting take time to look at all the shelves and especially at the bottom in the back…there is always something good hiding down there!!

What I look for is either something that is just perfect the way it is or a vase that would make a good thrift store flip.

Something like this floral kinda-dated looking porcelain vase could be transformed into a Pottery Barn dupe. Keep your eye out for vases like this when you are thrifting, there is usually one hanging around!

Here are two vases that I made with thrift store finds that you can make too!

moss branches in vase Left: Ugly Vase Flip | Right: Pottery Barn Dupe Vase

Let me tell you how excited I was when I spotted this on the bottom shelf! My friend Kelly at The Tattered Pew made the prettiest Spring flower arrangement last week in a similar container and I was obsessed! It was kismet that I found it, it’s like I willed it to be there!!

I’m always looking for unique pieces when I’m thrifting that I can layer into my decor. Like this cool-looking flower…I think it may be intended as a candle holder but I love the sculptural look of it.

It reminded me of one of those expensive “decorative objects” you find in the Arhaus or Anthropologie catalog.

Here’s our shopping carriage on our way to check out! My husband spotted the console table in the furniture section. It was $8.49 and all wood. Last week I stole the table we had in our bathroom next to the shower and moved it into the dining area and he’s been sour that there wasn’t a spot to put his towel down! So I’ll be making this table over this week.

Honestly, I have been looking for a smaller-sized ceramic lamp for ages and this one is going to be transformed into a beauty!

You have to look past what the thrift store find looks like right now and think about how it could look. That’s how I can decorate on a budget and still create the look that I love.

What I Bought From the Thrift Store

Along with the red lamp and green console table, I bought a rectangular glass vase, a white ceramic container, a pretty green bowl and saucer set, and a rustic basket…I mean, c’mon what perfect timing for the basket with Easter coming! Oh, and a hardcover book on herbs that I just remembered is still in the Jeep, oops

Let me show you how I got these pieces filled with pretty things for Spring.

Thrift Store Basket Easter Centerpiece rustic handled basket

This neat rustic basket was $3.49. The thrift store always has a pile of baskets and you can usually find some good ones there.

The Savers store that I go to is right behind Trader Joe’s. So after I went thrifting I went to Trader Joe’s and picked up fresh flowers to use for the new containers…and also to pick up some eats.

It’s my go-to spot for flowers. They always have the most affordable and the best selection in my area. Since it’s March there were flowering bulbs and I picked up this glass of mini daffodils which happened to fit perfectly inside the basket.

To dress up the basket I took a few fresh pussy willow branches and bent them across the handle, tucking them into the wrapping of the basket.

hollow quail eggs

Then I added a few hollow quail eggs and small feathers to give it an even more Spring feel.

Beautiful Spring Centerpiece

This container was $6.49 and in perfect condition. It was a really good find and I will be using it all the time I think.

When I was looking at the flowers at Trader Joe’s I kept looking at these apricot and red spray roses, they aren’t what I would usually be drawn to but they were speaking to me! To compliment them I grabbed a bunch of light pink St. Johns Wort, and eucalyptus. The roses were $5.99, and the other two were $3.99 each.

When you are using a container like this one it’s best to figure out the length you need your flower stems to be.

I used one rose and held it up to the vase, bent the stem a little until it was the height that would look perfect, and then cut the end to size.

After I had that one rose cut I used it to cut all the roses to the same length.

I filled the bottom of the container with pieces of floral foam and water. The foam will keep the flowers in place since this is such a wide container.

I popped the roses around the container. Aren’t they pretty??

Then I trimmed the St. John’s Wort and popped it in around the container.

The last step was to add a few small flowing pieces of the eucalyptus around the edges of the container.

Thrift Store Saucer & Bowl Idea

This cute bowl and saucer set was just $1.99. The green color is so pretty and it was chip free. It would be cute for a small plant. For Spring a little pansy would look so cute (they aren’t out yet here in NH).

But I went in a different Spring direction and decided to make a small bird’s nest inside of the bowl.

All I did was fill the bowl with Spanish moss and pressed down the center with my finger to make it look more like a nest.

Then I filled the nest with quail eggs and feathers. So easy and took about a minute to put together!

To style it I rested the bowl and saucer on top of a stack of vintage books tied with a jute string.

Now, I’m not sure what material this flower is made out of, it feels like ceramic but looks like wood. I guess I’ll find out if I drop it!!

It looks great as is! I don’t think it needs a candle, it’s a cool looking decor accent on its own.

Glass Thrift Store Vase

Now for the other vase that I thrifted. This is a heavy and kinda tall glass vase. In my brain, I have another DIY project idea that I think will be perfect for but for today I am going to use fresh flowers.

For this vase, I am using a bunch of $5.99 white spray roses and green filler (not sure what it is called but it’s a fabulous shade of green!) from Trader Joe’s.

First I added the roses, followed by the green filler, the last filler I added was white German statice that I had left over from another project. To finish the vase off I tied a fabric ribbon with a bee print (Hobby Lobby).

The lamp and table makeover will have to wait for another day. The lamp isn’t quite camera ready yet.

Other thrift store ideas: 15 Thrift Store Decor Ideas My Best Thrift Store Finds of The Year How to Add Whimsy to Your Garden Thrift Store Decor Haul Check Out What My Friends Found Thrifting This Month! Stacy | Bricks N Blooms

Stacy found the coolest piece of furniture when she was out thrifting! She has the best ReStore (Habitat by Humanity) down by her in New Jersey and always finds such great furniture there.

Stacy | Bricks N Blooms Kim | SHipLap & Shells

This month Kim is sharing 14 thrift store finds to use in your Spring decor. Wait until you see how she styles her finds in her home for Spring!

Kim| ShipLap & Shells Lora B. Create & Ponder

Lora always finds the best stuff when she is out thrifting! She is sharing her recent thrift store finds and showing you how she decorated with them. You will love it!

Lora B. Create & Ponder Keep Up With The Latest From Cottage On Bunker Hill! Follow Me On Pinterest | Instagram | Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on Pinterest Share via Email Share via Email Jennifer Howard

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By: Jennifer Howard · In: DECORATING, Decorating Tips & Tricks, Thrifting · Tagged: diy decor, home decor, thrift store finds, thrifting






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